“Seed invalid, must be numeric”

Some people reported getting the error message “Seed invalid, must be numeric”. This should be fixed now. Please leave a comment here if it is not.

Mathgen now should fall back gracefully if Javascript is not available. You will not get a pretty permalink, and you will not have the option of downloading zipped source, but you should still get a PDF paper by clicking “Generate”, which is what most people want.

If you still get an error, it would be a big help if you could post a comment here with:

  • Your web browser and exact version number
  • Any addons/plugins you are using that could be relevant, or unusual Javascript or privacy settings
  • Any messages that you see when checking your browser’s web console

Thanks for all the interest! I’m glad people are enjoying playing with Mathgen and discussing its ramifications. I’ll try to post some followup and responses when I can.

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